Blossom Tree

Tui Na

Tui Nais the bodywork aspect of Traditional Chinese medicine that dates back nearly 4000 years.

Tui Na uses the traditional Chinese medical theory of the flow of oxygen (Qi) through the body.

Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques, Tui Na seeks to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi, removing blockages and allowing the body to heal itself.

Tui Na methods include the use of hand techniques to massage the soft tissue (muscles and tendons) of the body, acupressure techniques to directly affect the flow of Qi, and manipulation techniques to help realign the musculo-skelatal system.

Frequently asked questions about Tui Na

What ailments is Tui Na good for?   

Tui Na is great for joint pain, headaches, sciatica, or any kind of musculoskeletal issues. It can get into those places that other physical therapies sometimes neglect.

Who would benefit from Tui Na? 

Anyone with a physical ailment aged 9-90. Tui Na can also be helpful in injury recovery, postural issues, or physical relaxation.

How many times would I need to come? 

You should notice a difference after your first session, and you should notice some positive changes in 3 sessions. 

Ready to talk? Call us now to discuss your needs, or book an appointment.