Blossom Tree

Natural Pregnancy Support

You're pregnant, congratulations! This is possibly going to be one of the most spiritual, worrying, beautiful and challenging times for you. The physical and emotional changes that grow along with your bump can feel like a lot to deal with. Because I work with fertility so much, I do get the honour of also working with pregnant mums. During this stage I offer Acupuncture and or CranioSacral Therapy to help new mamas with the challenges that come with an ever changing body. These are both safe and gentle for mum and baby.

Natural Pregnancy Support

Benefits of Acupuncture and CranioSacral Therapy during Pregnancy

Relief from Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy is not always about the glow, sometimes it can bring with it back pain, sciatica, nausea, and fatigue. Depending on your particular discomfort, and any other factors that may be contributing, acupuncture can be a safe way to support your body with any of the physical effects of growing a bunch of cells into a fully grown baby for 40 something weeks. CranioSacral therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy that assesses any restrictions in your fascia (connective tissue), making it a great therapy to address any physical complaints. Although it is a physical approach to alignment, there are no rigorous adjustments, making it safe for you and your baby.

Stress Reduction

Stress management is crucial for both mother and baby - being pregnant can be emotionally taxing, and dealing with everyday stress while pregnant is extra taxing. Acupuncture promotes relaxation through the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters, helping to alleviate anxiety and improve overall emotional well-being. The emotional health of the father is also really important during his partners pregnancy, as studies show that women tend to absorb their partners stress. Pregnancy is not always straight forward, and it is hard to go for 9 months without one challenge or another, and modern daily life can cause your nervous system to be on high alert for long periods of time. CranioSacral Therapy is particularly good at helping your nervous system switch into a more resilient mode, helping you cope with day to day stress, and recover from the big stresses.

Improved Sleep Quality

Hormonal changes and physical discomfort can lead to sleep disturbances during pregnancy. It is much harder to eat well, exercise, or spend time doing the things that feed your soul if you are tired. Acupuncture and CranioSacral Therapy can help improve your sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, helping you to get the rest you crucially need while you are growing another human inside you.

Breech babies

If your midwife has confirmed that you have a breech baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy then you can book in with your acupuncturist to have a treatment which is a part of traditional Chinese medicine called ‘Moxibustion’. This is a herb that has been rolled into a cigar shape, the end is lit and the heat is held over an acupuncture point on the little toe. It has been shown to be a gentle and effective way to encourage the baby into an optimal position, without forcing the baby to do anything they don’t want to do. It is always worth looking at any physical reasons why the baby finds it more comfortable in a breech position (I use CranioSacral Therapy here), but I also explore any emotional component that may cause stagnation in the pelvis, such as a previous traumatic birth, baby loss, or a fear of birth or becoming a parent.

Preparation for Labour

Acupuncture from 37 weeks is a safe way to prepare your body for labour. Research suggests that acupuncture may help stimulate uterine contractions and improve cervical ripening, which could potentially lead to a shorter labour. Acupuncture is not used as an ‘induction’ to labour, but if your baby is ready the acupuncture needles can stimulate your uterine muscles to promote contractions, helping you go into spontaneous labour.

Connecting With Your Baby

During your session you will have the time and space to connect in with your growing baby. If it has been a hell of a journey to conceive, or if you have gone through the crushing pain of a pregnancy loss, or if your job means that you don’t get enough time to connect with your baby, then CST can help you to strengthen the communication pathway, so that you can find out what your baby needs you to do more of, and what your baby needs you to do less of!

Newborn Care

The journey from a safe warm womb into the wide open world can be everything from challenging to traumatic for both mum and baby. During delivery the baby’s head is compressed and moulded to travel through the birth canal. The bones of the head are designed to flex and overlap during delivery process. After delivery the head gradually un-moulds over the next few days. However, this un-moulding process may be left incomplete, especially if the birth has been difficult. Caesarean deliveries are not without some subsequent issues with the rapid change from amniotic fluid pressure to atmospheric pressure, denying the baby its first spinal manipulation as it travels down the birth canal. In cases such as these paediatric CranioSacral therapy can be particularly effective, and can be used to effectively treat conditions such as colic and other digestive problems, sleeplessness, breathing difficulties, restlessness and irritability, and ear, nose and throat problems.

Postnatal Care

Once you have had your baby, it will feel like the most important thing is to make sure that your baby is thriving. That is only natural, but baby will thrive when mum is thriving, and mum can thrive when she has a great support system around her, so it is worth investing in your own physical, mental and emotional health so that you are better able to be attuned to your baby. CranioSacral Therapy can support your body with any healing needed from the birth process, whether that was vaginally, or a caesarean birth, and it can help you process any birth injury or birth trauma.

Safety Considerations: Find an experienced practitioner

I am an experienced therapist who is confident working with pregnant people - there are acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy, so if you cannot work with me then find a practitioner who is experienced with working with the nuance of pregnancy, especially if you have had a previous loss, or have had a difficult journey to conception.

I tend to combine both Acupuncture and CranioSacral therapy as a safe and effective therapy during pregnancy, as the two together offer various benefits for both the body and mind. It might be difficult finding a qualified practitioner who combines both therapies, but Acupuncture and CranioSacral therapy are both fantastic stand-alone therapies, the important thing is to find a therapist that is experienced and comfortable working with you and your needs, and one that you feel is a good fit for you. The important thing during pregnancy is to listen to your body, and to make sure your health care practitioner or wellness practitioner is attuned to your concerns.

Ready to talk? Call us now to discuss your needs, or book an appointment.